Here are some tips for creating a direct mail campaign.
1. Create a Campaign Theme
Campaign themes should be designed to incorporate several marketing messages into one. Visual presentation is a critical part of creating an effective campaign. With a direct mail campaign, it may take several different postcards to yield a response.
Each postcard in the series should have different graphics and verbiage. The brand should be clear, and the message should be succinct and impactful. The visual appearance should be strong enough to capture the audience’s attention.
2. Create a Visually Appealing Direct Mail Campaign
Postcards must be quickly scanned and be able to capture the user’s attention. If not, it will be the first piece of mail to reach the trash can. The images should be a high resolution, and the text should be minimal. Direct mail is more memorable and effective when the layout is thoughtfully organized with clear intent. A Graphic designer can help you get the most out of this minimal space. While copy writers can help express your call to action.
3. Compelling Call to Action
The call to action must be compelling enough so that the reader will want to take immediate action. Sample calls to action include, “Call Now.” “Redeem Online” and “Come in for our sale.” Messages that lack a compelling call to action are considered ineffective. Some companies may include a discount coupon on the mailer or may use the mailer for an entry form for a prize drawing. This too will entice customers to further investigate products and services.
4. Update Your Mailing List
Companies with outdated lists will have fewer responses and opportunities to engage with prospects. Marketers should have a process in place that determines if addresses are correct and if the right point of contact is still associated with the company. If using a list provider make sure they are reputable. When you receive the returned direct mail pieces, remove these people from your list to avoid wasting marketing dollars on people who will not contact you.
5. Devise a Potential Follow-up Strategy
Follow-up is the key to yielding more than a 1 to 2 percent response rate. When you follow-up with people, you remind them of why they should be doing business with your company. Businesses trust companies who are responsive and attentive. Follow-up also provides exposure for your company. Without exposure, you are less likely to convert a sale.
6. Evaluate Your Direct Mail Campaign
When you have started your campaign and have begun to follow-up, you should examine the direct mail campaign to determine how you can improve your campaign to yield more sales. Consider split testing different variables of your campaign. For example, different layouts and color variations. You can change items in the call to action and make it more compelling for the reader. Repetition is the best way to get people to respond.
7. Integrate Online- Offline
It is important to get customers into your sales funnel where you can contact them multiple times via multiple channels. For example, including your Facebook URL, your website, a link to your email newsletters is one way of increasing the value of each direct mail receiver.
Including a direct mail campaign in your marketing mix could bring big rewards. Just make sure to follow the above and to hire a reputable company like THP to assist you in all aspects of your direct marketing campaign.
Click here to learn more about interactive marketing solutions and variable data print to turn your generic direct mail materials into stronger marketing with the power of personalization.